Reactangular Metal Serving Tray

Reactangular Metal Serving Tray

Our products are appreciated worldwide for attractive design, mesmerizing pattern, eye-catching look and durable finish standards, and are thereby extensively demanded in the global market. Moreover, we offer these products in various designs, patterns and sizes at highly competitive prices as per the needs of the client.


Small  30x16xH-8cm

Large  40x20xH-8cm


We are offering to our clients Hand Crafted Wooden Home Decor & utility Products .

Our customers can avail from us an excellent range of Candle Holders, Trays, Bowls, Salad Servers, Chopping Boards, Cake Stands and more. We also make customised products as per clients designe. Our products are appreciated worldwide for attractive design, mesmerizing pattern, eye-catching look and durable finish standards, and are thereby extensively demanded in the global market. Moreover, we offer these products in various designs, patterns and sizes at highly competitive prices as per the needs of the client.

Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Vestibulum tortor quam, feugiat vitae, ultricies eget, tempor sit amet, ante. Donec eu libero sit amet quam egestas semper. Aenean ultricies mi vitae est. Mauris placerat eleifend leo.

Donec sed tincidunt lacus. Duis vehicula aliquam vestibulum. Aenean at mollis mi. Cras ac urna sed nisi auctor venenatis ut id sapien. Vivamus commodo lacus lorem, a tristique sapien tempus non. Donec fringilla cursus porttitor. Morbi quis massa id mi pellentesque placerat. Nam scelerisque sit amet diam id blandit. Nullam ultrices ligula at ligula tincidunt, sit amet aliquet mi pellentesque. Aenean eget fermentum risus. Aenean eu ultricies nulla, id bibendum libero. Vestibulum dui augue, malesuada nec tellus vel, egestas condimentum ipsum. Vestibulum ut.

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